So here we are the Labor Day weekend. Opening day of College football and later this week NFL. The end of summer. That also marks the end of the ice melting for the northern hemisphere. Yet as Bill Scanlon of the Rock Mountain News points out Santa need not worry about the seaworthiness of his establishment. The ice is still there. And will continue to be this year.
RMN: N. Pole Ice
Oops, maybe the predicted melt was a bit overstated. Now that prediction can be added to the list of predictions that proved to be wrong. Right in there with "Ice Age", and "Food riots". Do you remember the advertisement that the GW alarmists had running for a while where the child was standing on the railroad tracs while the train approached? The way the prediction looked to me when I read about it at the beginning of summer was that the leaders of the church of man made global warming were preaching that the open north-west passage was the first car in the train of global warming which is to strike us as we stand on the tracks of fate. Looks like that first car was as substantial as that puddle of water on the road in the distance on a hot summer day.
This failure of the melted north polar ice has simply helped to add to the "I don't want to pay to clean up the environment" crowd. This is actually a sad day, my fear is that all of the effort to clean up the environment will cease should the "Hockey Stick" turn out to be only the up slope of a sinusoidal cycle. By hanging the environment cleanup campaign on the coat tails of Global Warming the risk is loosing all creditability should Global Warming prove to be just one more inaccurate dire scientific prediction.
Al Gore and his group of believers may well have doomed our descendants to die by slow poisoning by jumping on a train of bad science. Our hope will lie in the short memory span of the people of the world.
Bailout, HELL NO.
16 years ago